

Ukraine Defence Support


Ukraine Defense Support’s mission is to provide humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

Ukraine Defense Support helps Ukraine protect its democracy and sovereignty by providing critical aid to the Ukrainian people.

We support the men and women defending Ukraine in order to protect Ukrainian democracy, culture, and lives. 

Ukraine Defense Support is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Washington State. 

Ukraine Defense Support is run by volunteers with 100% of donations going to support the cause.

Contact us for details on our finances, board membership, and how we help Ukraine.


Communities Army of Ukraine


The Communities Army of Ukraine is a community that unites conscientious citizens of different countries of the world in a public movement in support of Ukraine, its struggle for independence, and sustainable development. The Army of the Peoples of Ukraine was founded on Sunday, March 20, 2022.

The founders and leaders of the movement became patriots of Ukraine, and talented artists, particularly the famous Ukrainian artist Andriy Yermolenko .

The People's Army of Ukraine develops and implements the concept of creative proactive cooperation of public activists. In 2022 and 2023, CAU activists in cooperation with other public associations conducted several international campaigns. Thus, in May 2023, the #UnitedWeWin campaign was held in support of Ukraine on the anniversary of the end of the Second World War.

CAU campaigns include:

Wikipedia (UKR): Армія Громад України

Instagram: Communities Army Of Ukraine

Facebook: Communities Army Of Ukraine

YouTube: Communities Army Of Ukraine