In The Media


Rally in West Palm Beach brings locals, Ukrainians together


Art installations serve as visual representation of soldiers who died, refugees who fled.

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City of West Palm Beach proclamation of the Independence Day of Ukraine


Thank you, Mayor James and the City of West Palm Beach for the proclamation of the Independence Day of Ukraine on August 24th, 2023.

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Building Jewish-Ukrainian Community Relations


In my capacity as the Associate Director of the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) for Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County, I’ve had the honor of addressing the Ukrainian-American community at rallies for Ukraine, organized by UA Florida. Federation values JCRC fostering connections across diverse communities, understanding that each interaction helps weave a tapestry of understanding and unity. This work not only promotes goodwill but also cultivates an enriching exchange of culture, ideas and mutual support. It is in this spirit that my engagement with the Ukrainian-American community in Palm Beach County takes on significance. It signifies the building of bridges between Jewish-Americans and Ukrainian-Americans—two communities with rich histories, united in the quest for peace and justice.

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Rally Stop Ecocide in Delray & Wellington


Ukrainians tell the whole world about the terrible tragedy of the Kakhovka Dam


The Ukrainian community of South Florida, went for a rally to draw the world's attention to the tragedy at the Kakhovka Dam.

People are asking the international community to intervene and save people trapped in the water on the left bank of the Kherson region.

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Letter of Gratitude presentation to the Mayor of West Palm Beach from Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, General Valerii Zaluzhnyi


A letter of Gratitude from Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, General Valerii Zaluzhnyi was presented to the Mayor of West Palm Beach expressing appreciation for his support and active stance in the face of Russia's aggression.

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One year of full-scale invasion


How Ukrainians live and help our country in the US (Ukrainian)

Як живуть та допомагають нашій країні українці в США


США – найбільш віддалена від України держава. Тут спостерігають за війною з екранів ТВ, комп’ютерів і ґаджетів, але при цьому допомагають країні, яка потерпає від жорстокої війни, найбільше. Не останню роль у цьому відіграють наші співвітчизники, які потрапили до Штатів ще до війни. Ті люди, які лишаються патріотами України.

Ми поспілкувалися із засновниками волонтерської організації UA Florida – подружжям Дмитром і Наталією Божко та Антоном Гриценком, які буквально з перших часів повномасштабного вторгнення рф допомагають рідній країні.

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Independence Day of Ukraine


Group shows support for Ukraine in Delray Beach


Rallies continue in support of peace in Ukraine


Boca Raton rally held in support of Ukraine
